Friday, December 28, 2007

Download your favorite Youtube!

An online service at allows you to download any video on YouTube. You simply need to enter the URL of the video page into the Vixy service, tell it what kind of file you would like and then send it on its way.

Although this process has worked well in tests for me there is one side effect that I have noticed. Files downloaded to an mp3 format result in the file thinking it is 30+ minutes long. The good news is it plays correctly in iTunes and Windows Media Player so no worries!

So check the site out.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Screenshot How To!

Hello again trusty Internet users!

I asked a someone to send me a screenshot the other day and they said "How do I do that?" So I told them. After I told them they said "How do I do that?" So I told them again.

Here is a handy guide on how to take screenshots:

The first and only step in taking a screenshot is to press the "Prnt Scrn" or Print Screen button on your PC. Taking a screenshot on a Mac is quite different and I am sure Googling "Mac screenshot" will be of great use!

After you have pressed the "Prnt Scrn" button an image of what your screen looks like will be stored in Window's clipboard ready to be pasted into any application that will accept it. These applications can include Microsoft Paint (from your start menu --> Accessories) or Microsoft Word.

My favorite is Microsoft Word because I can quickly type in a some notes and details and send them to just about anyone. So, to paste your image into Microsoft Word follow these steps:

Open Microsoft Word
Click Edit
Click Paste

If you do not want to click Edit then Paste you can press "Ctrl-V" on your keyboard and be done with it.

This will paste the contents of the clipboard (which should be the image of your screen) into Microsoft Word.

"Advanced Screenshot"
You can take a screenshot of just the application you are working in by using the "Alt-Prnt Scrn" combination of keys. This will store an image of just the program that you are in. For example, if you have an error message on your screen you can click on that message and then press the "Alt" and "Prnt Scrn" keys to capture just that error window in the screenshot.

There are also plenty of free programs out there to assist you in taking even more "advanced" screenshots such as Screenhunter or to capture video of your desktop you can use FRAPS or Quick Screen Recorder.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Online Drives

If you are like me and you know that you are, you have a lot of pictures, music, and other data stored on your computer.

What if that computer is stolen or the hard drive crashes? Don't think it will happen to you? Well, one day it will so it is best to be prepared!

There are several things you can do to protect your data but possibly the easiest and cheapest way is to get yourself some online storage.

Companies like iDrive ( and xDrive ( offer online storage. xDrive offers a free 5gb service and while iDrive does offer a free 2gb service their best offer is the unlimited storage for fifty dollars a month.

Online storage gives you a lot of options in protecting your data. Everything from manually copying files to automated backup. The disadvantage of the online backup? It is online! Someone might get into your files. If this is a concern you can always get an external hard drive and attach it to your computer or your network.

An external drive attached to your network can give you several hundred gigs of storage that is accessible from multiple computers.

The key here is making sure you have a way to backup and protect your data. When your iTunes music is gone... its gone!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Animator vs Aninmation

Check out the work of Alan Becker!

Adding flash to your Blogger page

I spent some time looking around for ways to add flash to your blogger site and all of the ways I saw didn't really work out for me so I found this handly little work around using iframes.

You can enter this code:
{iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="400" height="120"}Your browser doesn't support iframes, get your act together!{/iframe}

(Change { to < and } to >)

This requires that you:

1) Have an html page that has the code for your flash movie on it
2) Have the html page and your flash movie stored somplace on the Internet
3) That you change the info above to fit your movie size and name

Here is an example:

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Raid 200010320938 + What?!?!

We all know that Raid is good for getting rid of bugs but what the heck is it in a computer?!? Check out this tutorial.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Turn your car into a solor generator

Now you can take parts from your old car (doesn't everyone have a few spare cars around) and make a solar generator...

Check it out:

Turn your car into a solor generator

Now you can take parts from your old car (doesn't everyone have a few spare cars around) and make a solar generator...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Build a solar powered generator

Although it is not really a generator (just a solar recharged battery) this project is rather cool.

Play vs Girl

There is a long running thread (actualy threads) here that discusses the age old question of "My girlfriend said 'Your 360 or me!' what do I do?"

My favorite answer:

honestly?? who cares about a girlfriend these days?? hookers are much cheaper and they don`t ask question about your weird fetish… me? I`d only consider to take the girl over the x, if I can definitely say I had more fun with her than with the x so far… and no I am not referrin`to the sexual content of the relationship… problem that I see for the girls and the human population would be if men realize they can have just as much fun without a girl… that would be against natures plan… however lucky humans, there are enough males out there fucking everything remotely human just to spread their genes so no problem there…

Feeling lost, alone, cell phone need a charge? Let Hello Kitty Save the Day! (or: Another Use for a Pussy)

Across the sea in everyone's favorite target for Godzilla sits a group of people who for no reason have decided Hello Kitty should adorn everything they use. While I must agree that Hello Kitty panties are sexy and fun do we really want future generations to wonder why the cat has made a comeback after all these years away (see early human history, Egypt).

Well, I for one am willing to stand up and shout, "Who cares what they think!" This Hello Kitty Emergency Device (which runs on a hand crank or 9 volt batter) is just too dead sexy cute to pass up. It has a radio, flashlight, and can charge your cell phone. Great stuff!

Check out Hello Kitty Hell for more details.

So, the next time Godzilla attacks you can be prepared with your Hello Kitty Emergency Device.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Keep your operating system & PC in peak condition

A lot of people remember that their bodies need exercise (even if they do not provide it) but few people think about their PC needing care as well.

Over time your computer can become loaded down with temporary files (which are created basically any time you use a program), log files, old programs, and files that have been scattered across the hard drive.

There are several things you can do to help keep your PC running strong including:

1) Keep your PC virus free. A lot of PCs become infected with viruses. Make sure to have an anti-virus software installed on your machine and keep the virus definitions up to date. Your Internet Service Provider probably has a free anti-virus software you can get or you can go to Google and type in "Free Anti-Virus" and see what you get. I personally recommend getting Symantec’s product and paying for the service.

2) Keep your registry clean, there are several free programs including RegSeeker and CCleaner that do an excellent job of cleaning the registry. This process is important because your registry can get loaded down with information that was valid once but has become outdated or the programs have been removed. Keeping your registry clean allows the system to process through the file faster allowing the overall performance of the PC to be faster as well.

3) Take care of your hard drive. A full hard drive can slow your machine down (although not nearly as much as other things will). Try and delete files that you do not need anymore and remove old programs that you are not using. Also make sure to scan and defrag your hard drive at least once every two months or so. You can do this by going to "My Computer" and then right clicking on your hard drive and selecting properties. From there select the tools tab and select error-checking to scan the drive and defragmentation to defrag the drive. When selecting error-checking make sure to place a checkmark in all the boxes and that will do a low level scan of your hard drive. Both of these options take a while so run them right before you go to bed or when you’re not going to use your PC for a while. You can also use the clean up button on the first tab to clean out a lot of temporary files which can really fill up your drive over time.

4) Keep your PC free of spy/ad/mal-ware. These little nasty programs come attached to fun programs that you download off the Internet or you get them from visiting web sites. Get yourself a copy of ad-aware or another anti-spyware software. There are many out there that are free and easy to use. Again make sure you keep the definitions up to date and scan your computer every few weeks. This software can take a PC from super machine to tinker-toy in just a few hours so keep it off your computer! If your wondering what type of software includes this little added bonus the answer is: music/software sharing programs like Limewire, screensaver software, and games you download from the Internet are just a few of the programs that carry along little extras that watch what you do and transmit information back to their creators.

5) Fdisk, reformat, and reinstall Windows. This process takes quite a while and you have to make sure you have all the drivers you will need (or at least the network / modem drivers so you can get on the Internet to get the rest of the drivers later). A lot of people never rebuild their PCs. I try to rebuild mine at least a few times a year. Think of your PC like a blackboard. No matter how much you wipe it off you still see the old marks. However you can resurface it (or have it professionally cleaned in the case of the chalkboard) and start fresh.

6) Add more RAM, an external hard drive, or a new video card. A lot of things can be improved by adding some more RAM (up to a point), adding an external hard drive allows you to store your files on a separate drive then the operating system which helps to keep that drive clean, and upgrading your video card can really improve the performance of a PC if it helps to remove some of the work from the CPU and move it to the video card. You will probably get a greatly improved picture as well.

These are some "easy" and not so easy ways to keep your PC running "like new" and speaking of like new it is always a good idea to remove as much of the pre-installed software as you can. You’re not going to use most of it so why keep it there?

Another hint is to not install the software your DSL/Cable provider gives you for connecting to their network. Get yourself a router instead. It will handle all the work of connecting for you and you do not have to install another program onto your computer (because adding another program slows your PC down that much more when it is running).

So get back out there, keep your nose and your PC clean and have some fun!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Star practices recycling

Way out in space sits a white dwarf star in the Ophiuchus constellation. What makes this star special is that went super nova. As a matter of fact it has gone super nova six times in the last 108 years.

What we have here is a case of theft, or recycling, depending on how you look at it. The star borrows material from a neighboring star and uses it to explode about every 20 years.

Police are still deciding if they are going to press charges...

You can read more about it here:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

HTML Playground - XHTML and CSS

Here is a handy refrence site for XHTML and CSS. It lets you select the code you are intrested it, tells you what it does and then shows you it in action. You even see the code behind what shows.

Rather handy I do say.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Your PC, your friend.


I came across a really nice slideshow tool at: You can do some very cool things with this slideshow, it is small in size, and runs smoothly.

Another great tool that I have been using is JAlbum from: This program installs on your computer and creates albums for you to post to the web, I've been using them on my family's site at (see the links on the right side).

Friday, March 09, 2007

Download from YouTube

Ever seen a video on YouTube that you really really wanted? Visit to convert and download that video to your favorite format!

Crimson Editor

Located at is one of my favorite editors for, well, just about anything. It is smart, it is lightweight, and best of all it is FREE!!!

Crimson Editor offers:
  • Syntax Highlighting for HTML, C/C++, Perl, Java, Matlab and LaTeX. Also, it can be extended for other programming languages based on custom syntax files.
  • Multi-level undo / redo - all editing actions are recorded from the opening of a file. - any document always can be undone to it's initial contents. - unlimited undo and redo buffers.
  • Project management - manage group of related files into one project. - remote files also can be included in a project.Directory tree view window - click to open documents. - filter to display only selected file class.
  • and more, a complete list can be seen on their website.

The program is small enough to fit on a floppy disk yet powerful enough to be the only editor you may ever need! One negative is that it is not visual based, you have to enter your code but you can set up the program to have special commands run on your code (like compile and run) which can make your job easier.

I've always liked Crimson Editor and it does a great job with Java and HTML. I cannot speak to the other languages but I am sure it is just as great when you are working with them.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The greatest website ever!

Doesn't everyone remember their favorite Apple games? Play them here:

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Windows Update

I was checking for windows / office updates and I got this screen:

Note the fact that it says I have never checked for updates and then shows the last time updates were installed...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lowcost wireless signal improver-upper

I got myself a Xbox 360 about a month ago and I was really excited about setting up the Media Center part of the system and accessing the photos on my computer via the 360. Of course Microsoft recommends that you have a wired network and I do not.

The install went smoothly enough until I got to the signal strength and was told that it was a bit on the low side (I had never really noticed any speed issues except when trying to stream video and play an online game at the same time). So I needed a solution that would up my radio signal...

That is when I remembered the cooking foil. I ran downstairs and like a crazed person ripped a few inches off of the roll and made a kind of large aluminum foil spoon shape. I wrapped that around the antenna on my computer and noticed an immediate improvement in the speed.

Prior to using the foil antenna the Media Center extension would work but it was very slow. With the super duper foil antenna wrapped around the wireless card's antenna in my PC I am now moving much faster.

The foil is hidden behind the PC (It is a desktop) so it is not to bad to the eyes. You could also use wire to extend your antenna like you do with a radio or even rabbit ears but foil was my cheap, easy, and quick solution.

If it doesn't work for you, be sure to recycle the foil!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A new challenge

I am about to undertake a new challege, I want to syncronize my laptops and desktop calendars with an online service. My first choice was the Google web calendar but since you have to do a CSV export and inport to move things between those systems I am not a big fan of that idea anymore.

I am now going to try Plaxo's service and see how that works. My plan is to setup a laptop in the kitchen of our home for keeping track of all of our stuff so that I can sync that to my work computer and to my treo and my iPod.

So many things to tie together such a need to make it simple.

Today's Fun Stuff

M&M Dark candies has a fun and addicitive online game that can be played here:

If you cannot figure it out, you can get the answers here: