Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Today I must post!

According to my calendar it says that Wednesday is the day I should post to this blog, now I've been ignoring that for a long time, but figured I'd get this out there and pick on Microsoft a little bit...

We decided that we needed to move from Lotus Domino to Microsoft Exchange, I guess we can save a little money that way (and the iphone the CIO just got only syncs with Outlook).

Anyway, while following Microsoft's excellent instructions (which you can find all over the Internet) to connect Domino and Exchange together so that people on both sides can look up the calendars of the others and the mail users are synced between the two systems.

The mail routes through SMTP so there is no longer a connector there. Which solves some of the horrors of the migration.

Anyway, after following the steps to the letter we were able to sync the users but along the way we had to fight through issues involving security settings. Those are easily solved by checking the event log, so no big deal.

The snag we hit was when we tried to get the calendar to sync. It was easy enough to get the Exchange server to see the Domino side but the Domino side just refused to look into the Exchange world. There were no errors being displayed anywhere and the Internet didn't offer any suggestions. I knew it I called Microsoft they would send me to Lotus and if I called Lotus they would send me to Microsoft so I was stuck in the middle of this mess.

It wasn't until I finally found a person on the Internet that had the very same issue and this has driven me to post the same information for others to find (if they are unlucky enough to have the same issue).

On the Domino server that you set up to do the calendar sync you have to install a program called the Exchange Calendar Connector. This runs as a task on the Domino server and according to Exchange the command is:

load excalcon Exchange

While the command you should use is:

load excalcon

If you follow the Microsoft instructions it will be:

load excalcon ExchFreeBusy

Once you do that, the systems should sync up and you can see the busy times on either side.

This does not allow you to see the details of the calendar though, that is only accomplished by people on Domino accessing Domino calendars and Exchange users accessing Exchange calendars.